Pure Honey comes from flower nectar and is collected by the bees with from nectar and stored in comb. Once the nectar or other liquids get evaporated, a thick syrup remains in the comb which is the honey.
Honey is a good source of carbohydrates. These carbohydrates are simple sugars and easily digestible and good for health. not only contains carbohydrates but also vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Pure Honey possesses many antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties since it contains few essentials which initiate anti-microbial, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties.
The most important thing is to get pure natural honey. We have ways to test whether it is pure or not.
Few among them are,
1. Water And Honey
- Take a tbsp of honey and add it to a cup of water. If the honey gets mixed with the water, it has adulteration or is impure. If get deposited at the bottom of the cup (under the water), it is 100% fully natural and pure.
- This is mainly because of the density and the force between honey and water. This is the most simple way we can try at our home.
2. Fire Shows Pure Honey
- Take the honey in a stick, show them into the fire, if the honey catches the fire and get burned, it is completely natural honey.
- The fire had always been an indicator of good and bad, it shows or test the purity and destroys the impurities. This is why the man had been dependent on fire right from his early stage.
3. Vinegar And Reaction
- Add a few drops of honey to water.
- Also, add a few drops of vinegar to this same honey added water.
- If you were able to witness any visible reaction, then the honey has adulteration.
We can also try this with lemon which we have at home. Honey is one thing that doesn’t get along with any of the particles even when the particles are organic naturally.
4. Density Of Pure Honey
Take your regular cutting plate, add few drops of honey on the surface area of the cutting plate. After that, Hold it vertically and observe the speed of the flow of the drops. If the drops flow downwards quickly, then it has adulteration in it.
If the honey drop takes time to flow downwards, then it is completely pure and natural.
Thus, know which is pure natural honey, enjoy the natural sweetness of it, and benefit from the nutrients which are essential for our daily life.
Standard Coldpressed oils are here for you to deliver the best quality of honey at the cheapest price! Buy pure honey in Chennai!
Originally posted 2020-01-28 16:11:08.