The Ultimate Guide to Cold Pressed Oils

3 min read

mustard vs groundnut oils

You must have noticed that Cold Pressed Oils are rapidly replacing the conventional cooking oils. These oils are seen as healthier alternatives to regular oils. Wonder what makes them so healthy and different from the refined oils? Worry not, here is a complete guide for you to know everything about cold-pressed oils.

You must have noticed that Cold Pressed Oils are rapidly replacing the conventional cooking oils. These oils are seen as healthier alternatives to regular oils. Wonder what makes them so healthy and different from the refined oils? Worry not, here is a complete guide for you to know everything about cold-pressed oils.

Oils are produced from seeds, nuts, vegetables, and also fruits. So what sets Cold Pressed Oils apart from Regular Refined oils?

Benefits of Cold Pressed Oils

  • Non-refined and non-processed, therefore high in nutritional value
  • Free from cholesterol, added colors, or preservatives
  • Free from solvent residues
  • Retains natural antioxidants that are good for the body
  • Has a natural taste and smell, therefore adding flavor in your recipes

 Cold Pressed Oils Vs. Refined Oils

Exposure to heat destroys the antioxidants in cold-pressed oils. The flavor and aroma get highly degraded as well. For refinement, the oils need to go through high heat that destroys the nutrients. 

Basically, the refined oils you are using daily for cooking is nothing but fatty oils with absolutely no nutritional value. For instance, Soybean oil, canola oil, or corn can help to produce refined oils.

Some Popular Cold Pressed oil:

Now that you know the benefits of Cold Pressed Oils, you must be curious about where to start. No need to raid the internet (you can if you want), we have some very popular suggestions for you. You can choose whichever suits your pocket and needs!

Groundnut Oil

In South India, many households use Groundnut oil for cooking for several centuries. It is traditionally obtained from Ghani, without any added preservatives or processing. However, this process does not involve much heating as it destroys the nutrients of the oil. 

These are some benefits of groundnut oil:

  • Cholesterol-free and contains healthy fatty acids
  • Has a high smoking point, so it is perfect for cooking at high temperatures and frying
  • High in antioxidants and that strengthens the immune system.
  • Contains Vitamin E or Tocopherol. It helps protect the skin from harmful radicals. 

Coconut Oil

Most of us are a fan of the beautiful aroma that comes with coconut oils. And its benefits on beauty and wellness are vast. We use coconut oil for smooth and shiny hair, and on our face and body as an excellent moisturizer. But most of us are unaware of its health benefits, so that is what we will discuss here. 

  • Cold-pressed coconut oil retains the healthy saturated fat used to boost energy
  • It promotes better digestion
  • Boosts metabolism and helps in weight loss
  • Good for the heart and liver
  • Improves brain function
  • Helps to control cholesterol
  • It is non-toxic and safe for children

Now you know, it is a multipurpose product!

Avocado Oil

Avocado oil is another cold-pressed oil that has taken the beauty industry by storm. It is enriched with good fatty acids and has a strong aroma of the fruit avocado. You must remember never to put these oils through high heat, as it destroys the nutrient value of oils. It has a neutral flavor, so you can drizzle over salads and other meal preparations. 

  • Good source of Oleic acid that helps boost the immune system
  • It is rich in Vitamin E and Tocopherols
  • Helps to control cholesterol and improves heart health
  • Helps the body to promote better absorption of nutrients
  • Can help to treat arthritis

It is a Wonder Oil!

Sesame oil

Fitness freaks and wellness addicts swear by sesame oil! Why? Because of its amazing health benefits!

This craze for sesame oil has been in the wellness world for quite some time now. Here are some of its uses to know this oil better:

  • It is great to improve your oral health. It helps reduce plaque and bad breath from your mouth and fights harmful bacteria.
  • Full of antioxidants 
  • In addition, it is anti-inflammatory and helps improve heart health
  • Helps relax the mind and improve sleep.

A drizzle of Sesame oil on your salads can create magic for your health!

Best Cold-Pressed Oil Brand in 2020

Standard Cold-Press Oils is the best brand to shop for cold-pressed cooking oils. We are a home-grown brand catering to all your needs with 100% organic products. We ship all over India, with free shipping charges (with shopping above 1000 INR) in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, AP, and TS. 

Above all, have a huge product library with thousands of happy and satisfied customers. You can check out our products at

Happy Shopping!

Some Frequently Asked Questions:

  1.  Are our cold-pressed oils 100% natural?

We know it is the most important question, so let us get it out of the way first. 

Yes, Standard cold-pressed oils are 100% natural and organic. It is a traditional method to extract the purest form of oil from natural sources. 

  1. Is it always true when brands claim “100% Natural” in terms of oils?

It depends. Always buy pure oils from a trusted brand. And look for the ingredient list to check for any added preservatives or chemicals. 

  1. What is the difference between Cold-pressed and Regular oil?

Regular oil is extracted from the source nut or fruit directly, sometimes going through the heat and added chemicals and preservatives. This highly degrades the quality of oil and it is no longer pure. 

Cold-pressed oil goes through very little or no heat so that the nutritional value doesn’t get too affected. It is of superior quality than the regular refined oil. It is also called virgin oil because of its purity. 

  1. Are our cold-pressed oils safe for children?

Yes, absolutely! It is good for infants and growing children alike. You can use these oils for external massages or in food for better health. Cold-pressed oils are non-toxic and natural, therefore completely safe for children. 

Originally posted 2020-09-26 22:55:49.

Anyaja M I am a writer and author from Standard Oil. I publish articles after a lot of research with adding my own experience in it.
Anyaja M I am a writer and author from Standard Oil. I publish articles after a lot of research with adding my own experience in it.

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