Tally Rises Upto 256 Positive Cases in India!- Is India Prepared For An Outbreak?

3 min read

The coronovirus pandemic is continuing to freak out the whole world. The official website of Ministry of Health and Family welfare states that in India, the number of people tested positive has gone up to 223 cases in which 4 have died and 22 have recovered.

At a press conference held at Delhi on Tuesday in Indian Council Of Medical Research, Director General Balram Bhargava told that India is in the second stage of transmission that is local transmission.

Prime minister Narendra Modi have made an appeal to the people calling for a self imposed curfew in this testing times.He announced a Janata Curfew on 22nd of March, Sunday requesting all the people to stay indoors from 7 in the morning to 9 in the night to encourage social distancing and prevent the spread.

Prime minister Narendra Modi has also appealed to the citizens to come out to their balconies at 5 PM in Sunday and dedicate 5 mins to honor doctors, medical staffs and cleaning staffs for their services.


PM Narendra Modi Covid-19 Action Plan

  1. Don’t go out unless essential.
  2. Those above 60 years should stay home.
  3. Janata Curfew on March 22 from 7 am to 9 pm.
  4. Thank cleaning staffs, doctors,and medical staffs on March 22 at 5 pm.
  5. Avoid going to hospitals for routine checks.
  6. Covid 19 economic response task force setup.
  7. Don’t cut pay of employees.
  8. India have created WhatsApp chatbox for queries.
  9. Don’t hoard or panic buy.
  10. No international commercial flights to land on India from March 22 to 29.
  11. Malls are shut down. Film bodies stop the production of films,TV shows and web series till 31st March.
  12. The board of control of cricket in India announce that the opening of Indian Premier League postponed from 29 March to 15 April 2020.
  13. Historical buildings like Taj Mahal, Red fort,Qutab minar and all the national monuments and museums under the archaeological department of India remain closed till 31st March 2020.
  14. Delhi metro will be closed on 22nd March due to Janata Curfew.

India In Partial Lockdown

  1. Railways,civil aviation to suspend all concessional travel.
  2. Only students, patients,divyang category to get concessions.
  3. States asked to enforce work from home in private sectors.
  4. No one including Indian citizens can fly into India from abroad for atleast once a week.
  5. Resources can be utilised for domestic crisis without fresh influx from abroad.


1. Mass Testing Should Be Performed!

The most important aspect of this period is the testing strategy because that could save or cost a lot of lives in India.

In the beginning of February,India has conducted about 12000 tests while in South Korea, 2.5 lakhs tests have been conducted. India have just conducted 5-10 tests per million people whereas in South Korea, about 4000 tests have been conducted per million people.

Testing for coronovirus is only done for people with symptoms and travel, contact history. But it’s so unfortunate to realise that, most of the affected people are asymptomatic and studies have shown that the people are developing symptoms after 11.5 days after exposure to this virus.

This may lead to increased spread in the mean time. Mass testing should be performed in India to find out the actual condition of India.


2. What precautions should we take to avoid exposure to coronovirus since we are getting home delivery due to quarantine?

Researchers still didn’t know about the existence of virus on surfaces but if they behave like other similar viruses,they tend to stay on the surfaces for a long time.So,it’s better to wipe them with alcohol based tissues before using them.


3. Everything You Need To Prepare For Home Quarantine

The department of Homeland security have recommended to stock up a two week supply of food.
Online services may deliver groceries right to your door including long lasting rice, beans, nuts etc.


4. How To Stop Touching Your Face?A Big Corona Challenge!

Start working in not touching your face because one main way to spread is when you touch your own mouth, nose or eyes.
Touching your face is so common. There is a website that uses a webcam to notify you when you touch your face and keeps track of how many times you are doing it.

Think of all the germy things people touch everyday like workdesk, mobile phones, elevator buttons, car keys,door knobs and even cash! Now imagine that you could transfer all the virus and bacteria to your body by touching your eyes, mouth and nose.


5. How To Keep Coronovirus Fears Affecting Your Mental Health?

Yes! It is a serious situation that deserves attention. Now it is time to turn to each other.We are here to help each other out.

Social distancing is good enough but always get connected with your friends and family and ask them ideas about stockpiling food.

Listen to the facts and watch news and watch out fake circulating myths. But don’t overdo it as so much information can aggravate stress.

Let’s maintain proper hygiene, stay home, spread love and positivity and fight coronovirus together!


Reference Links:

  • https://www.uchicagomedicine.org/forefront/prevention-and-screening-articles/wuhan-coronavirus
  • https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_coronavirus_pandemic_in_India
  • https://www.pharmaceutical-technology.com/features/coronavirus-affected-countries-india-measures-impact-pharma-economy/
  • https://www.tn.gov.in/department/11
  • https://www.mohfw.gov.in/

Originally posted 2020-03-21 00:56:08.

Elakeya I am a young Physician Associate by career but always love to write! I expertise in medical writing, nutrition, cooking, and even travel and food.
Elakeya I am a young Physician Associate by career but always love to write! I expertise in medical writing, nutrition, cooking, and even travel and food.

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