Mental Health

Depression – A Study On How Foods Can Help With It?

Have you heard people or yourself say, Oh! man, this week has been really depressing with all this stress from work,...
4 min read
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Chionophobia – The Fear Of Snow (Anxiety Disorder)

When anyone says phobia, what crosses your mind? What is a phobia? Phobia is a serious or irrational fear of something....
3 min read

Mental Health – How to Relief Anxiety, Depression And Insomnia Without Medication

People always refer to their mood as depressed, sad, and anxious. These are just normal emotions about life’s struggles. When such...
3 min read

Mental Stamina! How Can One Improve Study Stamina?

Nowadays, the young generation often lacks focus or mostly distracted while studying. They are very lethargic and sometimes extremely anxious which...
4 min read

How to Feel Beautiful? -Hints To Improve Yourself!

Who want to look beautiful? Who want to feel beautiful? There is a big difference between these two questions! The concept...
3 min read

Coconut Oil For Cooking

Coconut oil has developed in notoriety as of late, in the midst of cases that it can do everything from supporting...
1 min read
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