GM Diet Plan For 7 Days! The Best Guide To Find Everything!

9 min read

diet plan concept with people running health with healthy food fruit banana apple vector 25147 335

Sigh! The word “GM diet plan” may poke curiosity out of you and the very next question will be “can I lose 5 kgs in a week”?

What if I say, yes! You probably won’t believe right? But growing fat isn’t good either!

Your favourite clothes will be getting tighter even you used to fit your heads through the necks and hands into the sleeves and you realise that you are getting fatter after a heavy breath! Phew!

Everything may not turn bad but turns especially when you see the selfie of yourself taken with your friends and noticed that you have grown bigger and the more you look you didn’t like the whole picture, self criticize yourself that your double chin and belly fat are visible and it turns out to be the biggest punishment of the day when your friend post in on the Instagram story and don’t even hide your crush! There he is, a fine fulfilled day for him:) Nobody would needs enemies lol!

Now, would you like to learn something about this impressive word” GM 7 day diet plan for weight loss.” Yeah, it’s not a long term diet and that’s the best thing!
First of all, we are going to see about

  1. What is a GM diet?
  2. Rules before starting the GM diet.
  3. The GM diet plan for vegetarians and non-vegetarians
  4. How Does GM diet work?
  5. Benefits of 7 day GM diet plan
  6. Who should not follow GM diet?
  7. Disadvantages Of GM diet
  8. How can you maintain the weight loss after completing the 7 day GM diet?

Diving straight into the topic!


1. What Is A GM Diet?

What’s that, GM? GM stands for General Motors! Okay, what’re general motors doing with weight loss diet plan?

The gm diet chart was given birth by the general motors company for its employees in 1985.

For what?
General motors corporation introduce this diet plan to its employees to lose weight in a healthier way!

How can you trust it? Is it safe?

Sources have mentioned that GM diet plan has been developed with US department of agriculture and Food And Drug Administration with extensive testing on John Hopkins Research Center and was approved for the distribution of the boards of directors, General Motors Corp.


2. Rules Before Starting A GM Diet

Rules? I know you hate it, but they are good for you when you check out!

You Can Eat More!

This is just about the type of food and not the quantity of food. You are not getting to be restricted of how much you eat the whole plan!

Strictly, No Alcohol!

Especially BEFORE AND DURING THE FOOD SCHEDULE! Alcohol increases the amount of uric acid in the body and leads to water retention.

Therefore, it will block the natural detoxification process that will take place and that’s like opening a can of worms!

Drink Upto 10 Glasses Of Water Everyday!

As you will not eat the number of carbohydrates you’ll do, water will be the main source of energy.

Try to drink water early in the morning which reduces increased gastric acids bubbling in your stomach which growls “ I neeeeeddd fooood!”

Drinking water 30 mins before the meal is also appreciated to not dilute the digestive juices. Don’t forget it since it’s is the hero of detoxification.

Take A Note Of Everything!

Your weight before you wake up, finishing your restroom business and after your breakfast, your mood, the things you ate, and how you are going through.

This may make you mad but you don’t need to be at all! Taking note of everything you eat gives you a better knowledge of your calorie intake and makes you keep encouraged and not give up in the middle.

Make It Tasty As Possible!

You don’t need to be in terrible journey crunching and swallowing vegetables imitating a goat. Add spices and salt. Make it tangy as possible. Let you crave for it.

Since, your body isn’t going to support the release of digestive enzymes when you don’t enjoy food.


If exercise doesn’t make your day, take part in light forms of exercise such as yoga, meditation etc for the first two days. For day 3, you can walk for 30 mins or try low-intensity cardio.


Make sure you are you through a sound sleep two days before starting the diet and throughout the whole GM diet week. This will decreases anxiety and enhances mood.

Have It On Time!

Breakfast at 7.30 to 8, lunch at 1-1.30 and dinner at 7.30. You can have snacks and mid-day meals (according to the diet you are following) but make sure that they are 2 hours gap between your big meals.

Restrict Processed Snacks!

They are pure garbage! Not going to do anything in your body but makes the worst of your diet journey. It’s hard to sit with a plate of vegetables and fruits in front of your roommate having his third burger!

Just throw him out or you get out cuz this is the best tip to reduce your cravings.

Choose A Friend!

Don’t do it alone. If you are too kind to your roommate, ask him to join and discuss the healthy changes you discover.

If he tells you “ lol! Do you still believe on diet?, this is not gonna work!” Throw him out and now, shut the door before he is going to ruin your plan.


GM 7 Day Diet Plan

There comes the majestic Indian GM diet plan menu which is going to make you feel beautiful!

GM Diet Day 1

So called the fruit day! Before you set out to do something good, eat something sweet and you’ll succeed. No, not the Cadbury chocolates but fruits:)

On the first day, you will be only consuming fruits for the whole day.


Except for bananas! Since they are rich sources of potassium, they are good for your heart. But over dosage of bananas, the whole day can develop hyperkalemia which causes irregular heartbeat and muscle weakness. You can have it later.

The best sources of fruits are

  • Melons like watermelons and muskmelons which promote weight loss
  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Pomegranate
  • Guava
  • Orange
  • Cucumber
  • Honeydews
  • Grapefruits.

Take a mix of fruits on breakfast, lunch and dinner for the utilisation of all the nutrients and vitamins and not getting an overdose of the same vitamins.

A suggested example of GM diet plan for fruits is

  • Breakfast (8.00am ): A fullbowl of honeydew melon with 2-3 glasses of water.
  • Snack (10.30 am) : 1 orange
  • Lunch (1.00 -1.30 pm): An apple with bowl of papaya with 2-3 glasses of water (or)
  • Snack ( 4.00pm) : a pear
  • Dinner (7.30 pm): 1 bowl of pomegranate and grapes.

Drink 8 glasses of water a day.

Mix them all together as a salad in a bowl, and enjoy your juicy treat. Don’t forget to drink lots of water.


GM Diet Day 2

So called the only vegetable day! As I have earlier said, made it tasty, tangy as possible but no deep frying. Using oil is strictly prohibited! It’s no use to munch veggies like a goat if you don’t like it.

  • Breakfast(8.00 am): 1 baked potato or a sweet potato with salt and pepper
  • Snack(10.30 am) : 1/2 cucumber
  • Lunch ( 1.00 pm): A cup of cabbage with capsicums and crumbled cauliflowers, carrots
  • Snack ( 4.00 pm): a cup of sweet corn with salt and pepper
  • Dinner( 7.30 pm): tangy tomato soup with cauliflowers, cabbages and onions.

Drink 8 glasses of water a day.

The choice of vegetables are

  • Cauliflowers
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Capsicums
  • Beetroots
  • Carrots
  • Cucumbers
  • Cabbage
  • 1 potato


GM Diet Day 3

A mixed feast of vegetables and fruits! You can eat the mixed food of the past two days except for potatoes and bananas.

  • Morning(8.00 am) : 1 apple or a bowl of watermelon
  • Snack (10.30 am) : 1 cup of pineapple pieces
  • Lunch (1.00 pm) : A salad of cauliflower, capsicums, carrots or corn
  • Snack (4.00pm) : an orange or a cup of melon
  • Dinner (8.00 pm): a pear

Drink 8 glasses of water a day.


GM Diet Day 4

The day for bananas finally! Only bananas and milk is for the whole day. You can make bananas like salad, shake, or juice. Don’t worry 🙂 GM diet wonder soup is here!

  • Breakfast (8.00 am): 2 bananas and a glass of milk
  • Snack (10.30 am) : a cup of banana smoothie and a dash of dates sugar
  • Lunch (1.00 pm) : a bowl of wonder soup
  • Snack (4.30 pm) :  banana milkshake of one banana and milk.
  • Dinner soup (7.00 pm) : wonder soup and one banana.

Drink 8 glasses of water a day.


How To Make GM Diet Wonder Soup?

Ingredients needed:

  • 1/4 onion
  • 1/4 cabbage
  • 2 small tomatoes
  • 1/2 green chillies
  • 1 Carrot
  • Lemon 1/2 slice for flavour
  • Olive oil – 1 tsp
  • Red chillies
  • Salt


  • Chop all the vegetables and keep aside.
  • Sizzle olive oil in the pan and let it heat.
  • Add onions and saute them until they become brown.
  • Add all the chopped vegetables now and stir them.
  • Pour water to it and close the lid for 15 mins.
  • Let it cool.
  • Keep it down and squeeze lemon a bit.

The easiest wonder soup is ready!


Okay! Smile because the most difficult part is over now 🙂

GM Diet Day 5

Non vegetarians, here!

  • So called the festival day! 500 grams of meat (chicken breast or fish for their proteins and irons) for non- vegetarians! No beef, pork or lamb. 
  • If you want eggs, split 6 egg whites into 3 meals.
  • Don’t forget to increase your water intake of two more glasses to flush out the extra uric acid ( chemical product formed due to breaking down of purines in meat).
  • The originals gm diet consists of meat and 6 tomatoes to aid digestion.

Vegetarians, here!

There are many delicious choices for vegetarians perhaps.

  • Brown rice
  • Cottage cheese
  • Chickpeas
  • Kidney beans
  • Legumes like Peas
  • Soyabeans
  • Lima beans
  • peanuts

You can also add a little bit of olive oil, ghee or butter to your meal.

  • Breakfast (8.00 am): 1/2 cup of kidney beans  with cottage cheese
  • Snack ( 10.30 am): 1 boiled egg with
  • Lunch( 1.00 pm) :   1/2 cup of brown rice with veggies/ fish + 2 glasses of water
  • Snack ( 4.30 pm) : soybeans with tomato slices
  • Dinner (7.30 pm) : 1 cup of brown rice with sliced tomatoes+ 1/2 cup of  sauteed veggies

Drink 10 glasses of water a day.


GM Diet Day 6

The diet of day 6 includes an unlimited amount of vegetables but no potatoes!

Vegetarians may replace meat with either brown rice and cottage cheese.
Increase your water intake by two times to flush out the uric acid contents in the body.

  • Breakfast (8.00 am) : 1 cup of carrot juice + 1/2 bowl of legumes
  • Snack (10.30 am) : 1 cup of boiled vegetables like cauliflower, beans, peas or beet
  • Lunch (12.00 pm) : 1/2 cup of veggies+ 1/2 cup of brown rice
  • Snack (4.00 pm) : 1 cup of cucumber slices or watermelon pieces.
  • Dinner (7.30 pm): 1/2 cup of veggies + 1/2 cup of brown rice

Drink 10-12 glasses of water a day if you are using meat in your diet.


GM Diet Day 7

This day includes a new guest. Sugar-free fruit juice! This is the only day with fruit juice on the menu.

  • Breakfast (8.00 am) : 1 cup of Apple juice
  • Snack (10.30 am) : 1 cup of fruit salad
  • Lunch (12.30 pm) : 1/2 cup of brown rice/ 2 chappathi + 1/2 cup of veggies
  • Snack (4.00 pm) : 1 cup of watermelon pieces
  • Dinner ( 8.00 pm) : 1 bowl of wonder soup

Drink 8 glasses of water a day.


4. How Does GM Diet Work?

The two aspects of GM diet chart are the type of food intake and the increased water intake throughout the whole week.

  1. The vegetables and fruits are high in fibre and low in sugar which makes digestion easy as nutrients from them are easily absorbed in the digestive tract.
  2. The increase in water Intake helps to compensate the high fibre vegetables as well as to dissolve the nutrients. Drinking water a lot aids the digestion easy. When you are not getting carbohydrates, unhealthy fats and proteins for the few days, your body is undergoing a cleaning process. Detoxification! It flushing out all toxins and waste from the body.


5. GM Diet Benefits

– Is GM Diet Effective For Weight Loss?

Improves Health

Of course! This 7-week vegetable and fruit-rich diet help you to improve your health and boosts immunity.

Detoxify The Whole System

The GM diet chart includes a large quantity of water to compensate for high fibre vegetables you eat.

Your Skin Gets Healthier

Staying hydrated for the whole week and restricting junk makes your skin healthier than before.

Weight Loss

You will feel light on your toes and happy of course! I came across many positive reviews, especially for weight loss! Check it out! Cutting back in sugar and processed foods will finally gift you back into shape.

Cures Irritable Bowel Syndrome And Constipation

Constipation is the difficulty of passing stools. Consuming fruits and vegetables high in fibre regulates bowel movements, add bulk to stool and aids defecation easy.


6. Who Should Not Follow GM Diet Plan?

Although it has effective results in a week, it’s not suitable for everyone.
The thing to keep in mind most importantly is “IT IS NOT A LONG TERM DIET ”.

  • Pregnant women
  • Growing children
  • Diabetics and people with hypertension
  • People with chronic diseases related to heart, kidney, liver, stomach etc.
  • Elders
  • Arthritic patients
  • Immunocompromised individuals


7. Disadvantages Of GM Diet

Loss Of Muscle Mass

Some sources have mentioned that the diet can lead to the loss of muscle mass which is definitely not too good to hear. This happens between the first 3 days where the body lacks an adequate amount of proteins.

Slows Your Metabolism

Due to lower consumption of calories, it has chances to slow down the metabolic rate and causes weight gain in future.

Dizziness And Headache

If you are not having the right quantity of food according to your health, it may leave you starving and causes hunger along with dizziness and dehydration.

Short Term Weight Loss

The Gm diet is not a long term strategy and may cause weight gain after they stop to follow the diet.

Lacks Important Nutrients

The diet lacks important nutrients for a week. Increased intake of fats is not good but our body needs healthy unsaturated fats to function.


8. How To Maintain The Weight Loss After Completed The GM Diet?

As I have earlier mentioned, this is just a short cut to weight loss for situations like say, if you are going to attend your cousin marriage next week and you are worried what it will be like to look like an inverted avocado.

Since it is an important question running in your mind, here’s the answer!

  • Avoid high-calorie foods like samosa, noodles, pasta, sugary and processed foods. Get notified that you are craving for diseases every time you look at it!
  • Take healthy snacks like cucumbers and millets.
  • Replace white rice with brown rice or any other traditional rice which you should look at!
  • Stop taking coffee. Drinking Green tea burns visceral fat and does wonders for weight loss.
  • Take protein-rich foods.
  • Try to walk for at least 30 minutes a day.
  • Stay hydrated and don’t skip meals!



Most importantly, when you are in the right body type, you eat anything for granted and that turns out to be the biggest mistake to realize later.

No matter skinny, fat, chubby, obese, every individual is a great self! Obesity is not healthy and so is anorexia :/ Let’s not wait to give a shot towards a healthy diet!


Reference Links

Originally posted 2020-06-08 13:57:27.

Elakeya I am a young Physician Associate by career but always love to write! I expertise in medical writing, nutrition, cooking, and even travel and food.
Elakeya I am a young Physician Associate by career but always love to write! I expertise in medical writing, nutrition, cooking, and even travel and food.

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