Kickstart of the Healthy Traditional Sweet- Kadalaimittai (Peanut Chikki)!

3 min read

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This topic of groundnut/peanut chikki carries me to the cloud of childhood memories, they were mine and my brother’s favourite! A sweet snack made of crunchy peanuts and flavorful honey!

Whenever my grandma visits my home, she will bring me a tin of groundnut chikkis which will be soooo yummy! They are called by a variety of names like groundnut chikki, peanut chikkis and .

Groundnuts are otherwise called the poor man’s Almond”. Research has surprised us by saying that it has more nutritional value than almond.

We are forgetting our ancestors’ traditional habits and culture and slowly getting adapted to western culture and varieties of diseases.

Come on buddies, let’s stop craving for helium-filled potato chips and fancy burger and popcorn chicken!

Get kadalaimittai which is a natural sweet delicacy which is packed with immense health and beauty benefits. This traditional sweet is famous for its unique taste, crispiness and aroma.


1. What Groundnut Chikki Is Made Of?

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Peanut Chikki is made up of peanuts/ groundnuts and jaggery which acts as the main ingredient.

It is a zero cholesterol snack with sodium, potassium, vitamin B6, iron, calcium, magnesium, proteins and dietary fibre.

Peanuts are packed with healthy fats and high quality protein. Additionally, they are also fairly high in calories.

The taste of groundnut chikkis contain a nutty flavour with sweetness and crunchy peanuts in between!


Health Benefits Of Groundnut Chikkis

1. May Aid Weight Loss

Since peanuts are energy-dense foods, include them as a snack in your free time may add calories to be used.

Peanuts actually give a stronger feeling of fullness rather than eating together with a meal.

Peanut chikkis are one of the easiest ways to increase palatability and nutrient intake without weight gain.


2. Prevents Cholecystitis

Consumption of peanuts is linked to a lower risk of gallstones. To be clear, men consuming more than 5 units of peanuts a week have more risk of developing gallstone disease.

Secondly, men consuming more than 5 units of peanuts or other nuts have reduced the risk of doing cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal surgery).


3. May Treat The Symptoms Of PCOS(Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)

We come across many girls and women having PCOS complaining about irregular menstrual cycles. They are accompanied by pain which can be very debilitating.

Additionally, he disease has symptoms like hirsutism. (Increase in body hair), obesity, amenorrhea (the absence of menstrual periods) and obesity.

Research has indicated that monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids found in nuts have been shown to improve insulin, androgens and cholesterol levels in women with PCOS.


4. May Prevent Cancer

Peanuts contain isoflavones, resveratrol and phenolic acid which reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.

High intake of peanuts is also associated with reduced risk of postmenopausal breast cancer. In addition, they were also found to prevent gastric and oesophageal cancers.


5. May Treat Erectile Dysfunction

Peanuts are rich in arginine, an essential amino acid which treats erectile dysfunction.

Studies confirmed that arginine combined with a herbal supplement called pycnogenol is possible to treat erectile dysfunction.


6. Have A Healthy Heart!

Heart disease is one of the leading diseases worldwide. More importantly, contain many heart-healthy nutrients which include magnesium, niacin, copper, oleic acid and multiple antioxidants such as revesterol.

Consuming this healthy snack regularly in a moderate amount reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

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How To Make Groundnut Chikkis At Home?

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Ingredients Needed:

  • 160 grams of peanuts.
  • 1/2 cup of tightly packed jaggery powder
  • 2 tbsps of water
  • Oil or ghee for greasing

The Method To Roast Peanuts

  • Firstly, add a cup of peanuts to the heated thick-bottomed heavy kadai.
  • Secondly, on a low to medium-low flame, roast the peanuts stirring often till they become crunchy.
  • Thirdly, roast them till they become golden brown and you see black spots on them.
  • Separate the peanuts in the tray when they are roasted.
  • Grease the back of the tray with ghee or oil.
  • Afterwards, the peanuts get cooled, rub them in between the palms to get rid of husks.

Make Jaggery Water For Peanut Chikki

  • Add the 1/2 cup of tightly packed jaggery powder. You can also use jaggery block in the Kadai.
  • Add two tablespoons of water.
  • Heat the Kadai or pan on a low flame. Begin to stir with a spoon to dissolve the jaggery well.
  • Keep on stirring on low flame.
  • While the jaggery water is cooking, also keep a bowl of cold water to check the consistency.
  • Keep on cooking until it reaches like a hardball stage.
  • Check them by using cold water. It should brittle and break easily.

Make Peanut Chikkis

  • When the jaggery comes to this consistency, quickly add the peanuts and give a quick stir.
  • Then quickly pour the chikki mixture on the greased tray or plate.
  • Place a foil or parchment paper on the chikki.
  • With a rolling pin, roll to even out the chikki layer.
  • Remove the paper and cut them horizontally and vertically. Let the peanut chikki cool at room temperature.
  • Once cooled, break them and serve this delicious chikkis. If not serving, store them in an airtight container.


Word Of Caution

  • To take note, peanuts contain proteins like conorachin. Some people are severely allergic to these proteins.
  • Since peanuts are high in calories. Consuming too many calories may lead to weight gain.


Buying Guide

To conclude, our Standard Cold Pressed Oil are here for you to deliver 100% non preservatives groundnut chikkis at the best prices to your doorstep. Buy for your loved ones for a reasonable price here.

It’s time to give up processed snacks that will not improve a little bit! Get these healthy snacks and grow your kids healthy buddies!


Reference Links:

Originally posted 2020-03-03 19:17:57.

Elakeya I am a young Physician Associate by career but always love to write! I expertise in medical writing, nutrition, cooking, and even travel and food.
Elakeya I am a young Physician Associate by career but always love to write! I expertise in medical writing, nutrition, cooking, and even travel and food.

One Reply to “Kickstart of the Healthy Traditional Sweet- Kadalaimittai (Peanut Chikki)!”

  1. I want to congratulate you for Kickstart of
    the Healthy Traditional Sweet- Kadalaimittai
    (Peanut Chikki)!

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