Herbs & Spices

Kashayam: Nilavembu Kudineer+ Kabasura kudineer

Kabasura Kashayam consists numerous powerful herbs like Clove, Ginger, Pepper, Ajwain, Kadukkai, Pipali, Mulli Root which possess anti inflammatory and effectively...
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Refrigerate Or Not – Foods Not To Refrigerate For Your Own Good

To Refrigerate! or not. When it comes to household accessories, it doesn’t matter what else we buy, but one will always...
5 min read

Replace your Coffee With Hibiscus Tea From Today!

The topic of Hibiscus flowers remind me of the memories of tenth public practical examinations where we used to dissect the...
3 min read

Disturbed Sleep?- Experience the Magnificent Benefits Of Chamomile Tea!

Hey! Do you have trouble falling asleep?When was the last good sleep you had with dreamlands having floating doughnuts and candies?...
2 min read

16 Tremendous Benefits At 10 Rupees! Coriander leaves or Cilantro

Hello reader! You might be definitely familiar with coriander leaves, a green herb also called cilantro which is an essential ingredient...
3 min read

Green Saviour Found In Your Garden- Nochi Elai (Vitex Negundo)!

After hours of staring at the computer screen staying at the same seat, even if we don’t do much physical activity,...
3 min read

Science Revealed The Amazing Wonders Of Our Traditional Aavarampoo!

From countless years, people from various cultures have relied on medicinal plants from mother nature and the means to soothe and...
3 min read

Remarkable Benefits of Karunjeeragam (Black Cumin Seeds)!

First of all, I would like to tell you some interesting facts about cumin. Can you imagine that cumin was used...
3 min read
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