Nilavembu Kudineer – Immune Booster

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Dengue fever has hit not only Tamil Nadu but several other states including Delhi.

Like other diseases for instance influenza, dengue fever cannot be cured by an injection or swallowing certain pills. Further, Seasonal changes can also bring fever and related illnesses.

In that case, the Nilavembu Kudineer is prescribed by our Siddha practitioners for this dengue outbreak, which is commonly used to cure fever and cold.

When dengue fever occurs, the number of platelets in the blood rapidly decreases. So, the failure to control this sudden decrease can lead to death. Recently, now we have a new covid19 pandemic!!

Siddha medical experts suggests that consuming Nilavembu Kudineer not only helps to prevent the decrease in platelets in blood, but also increases the platelet count in your body.

Though we cannot control all these pandemic, let’s try and improve our body’s defense mechanism against these deadly viruses with herbal immune boosters like Kabasura Kudineer, Nilavembu Kudineer etc.


1. Research on Nilaveembu Kudineer

Dr Subhashchandran, a lecturer in the Nellai Government College who has a doctorate degree said in his research regarding Nilavembu Kudineer that

“It is a type of white flowering plant in homes and forests. This plant has high bitterness. Various diseases can be cured by this herb.

Most of the diseases including chronic fever, dengue fever, malaria fever, chikungunya fever, swine flu, dermatitis, headache, gallstones, arthritis, body aches and sexually transmitted diseases can be resolved on consuming this special drink.

Meanwhile, Research is underway to use this as a medication for AIDS”.

In addition, the Tamil Nadu government, many NGOs and political parties are providing free radicals free of charge to the general public, as the calamity plays an important role in preventing the spread of dengue fever.

During the outbreak in 2017, the Tamil Nadu government distributed this Nilavembu Kudineer to treat people infected with dengue.

MSKCC research establishes some of the common side effects of this drink as headache, fatigue, allergic reactions, lymph node pain, nausea, diarrhea, altered taste, etc.

According to a study conducted in king institute of preventive medicine and research in Chennai, it is found that this herbal drink has the capacity to eradicate the virus that cause dengue.


2. What Is Nilaveembu Kudineer?

The Nilavembu Kudineer is not made only using nilavembu. It has 8 more other ingredients to prepare this herbal drink.

Meanwhile, this herbal kudineer is a Siddha medicine traditionally used to treat fever and has a unique ability to prevent various infections.

They are not only made to help boost your immunity but also to support the body’s health system. It can also be used to relieve your body pain, fatigue, and headache.

Overall, It is a herbal drug containing nine ingredients that are mixed in equal measure.

Nilavembu is a medicinal plant that has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-analgesic properties and also several other health benefits as well.


3. So, What is Nilavembu?

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Andrographis paniculata

The botanical name of nilevembu is Andrographis paniculata. It belongs to the Acanthaceae family native to India and Srilanka.

This herb grows to a height of 30-110 cm in moist, shady places. Therefore, they are cultivated mostly around the autumn season and are widely distributed throughout southern and southeast Asia.

This immune strengthening herb is also called by several names in different language.

  • Andrographis in English,
  • Kirata in Sanskrit,
  • Kriate in English,
  • Nilavembu in Tamil,
  • Nelavemu in Telugu, and
  • Kiryaat in Unani scriptures.

Similarly, some of the other names of this bitter plant include

  • Kalmegha,
  • Kalmegh,
  • Green Chirata,
  • Kirata Tikta,
  • Vishwambhar,
  • Hempedu Bumi,
  • Alui,
  • Bhumi nimbak,
  • Yavtikta,
  • Kalpanatha, and
  • Bhu nimba.

This plant is used as both Siddha and Ayurvedic herb. Likewise, It is widely used in almost all ayurvedic medicines which help in boosting your immunity and excrete harmful toxins.

The bitter herb relieves you from different types of infectious fever. It also provides a very popular, ancestral remedy for improving physical debility or fatigue.

In addition, they serve well in promoting liver functions, enhancing appetite, boosting digestion, improving metabolism, and stimulating kidney functions.

Moreover, this extremely powerful bitter herb provides a noteworthy remedy for all beat blood disorders, skin disorders, loss of appetite, fatty liver or hepatomegaly, intestinal parasite, and constipation.


4. What Are The Ayurvedic Indications Of Nilavembu?

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Andrographis paniculata

The Science of Ayurveda knows this holistically rejuvenating as Kalmegh. Further, This potential herb has been mentioned in various ayurvedic scriptures and journals for numerous indications which include

  • Jvara – it can relieve fever,
  • Kasahara – it Relieves cough,
  • Deepana – enhances stomach fire,
  • Pachana – helps in digestion,
  • Rochana – stimulates appetite,
  • Anulomana – improves breathing,
  • Vamana – prevents nausea and vomiting,
  • Vayasthapana – prevents ageing,
  • Shwasha – relieves breathing difficulties, 
  • Amahara – treats indigestion,
  • Dahaharit – relieves burning sensation in stomach,
  • Mehahara – treats urinary tract disorders,
  • Prameha – manages diabetes,
  • Trutahara – relieves excessive thirst,
  • Rasayani – rejuvenates the whole body,
  • Balya – improves muscle strength,
  • Hikkanigrahana – controls hiccups,
  • Kantya – relieves sore throat,
  • Triptighno – relieves pseudo-satiation,
  • Vamanopaga – treats emesis,
  • Shonitasthapana – prevents bleeding,
  • Pandu – treats anemia,
  • Sangrahini – treats diarrhoea,
  • Kustha – treats skin disorders,
  • Kamala – prevents jaundice,
  • Varnya – improves complexion,
  • Krimihara – relieves intestinal worms,
  • Hridaya – treats heart problems,
  • Kanthya – improves voice,
  • Arsha – treats piles, and
  • Krichra – treats painful micturition.


5. What Are The Chemical Components Of Nilavembu?

Nilavembu is rich in diterpenoids, lactones, diterpene glycosides, flavonoids, and flavonoid glycosides.

However, The main active component of this plant is andrographolide and andrographis extract that contains numerous therapeutic properties including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, vermicidal, laxative, hypoglycaemic, hepatoprotective, digestive, and cholagogue.


6. Benefits Of Nilevembu kudineer

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Nilavembu Kudineer

Along with boosting your immunity, this drink also helps in providing relief from headache, muscle aches, body aches, loss of energy, fatigue, weakness, etc.

It is also extremely beneficial for reducing joint pain, muscle pain, joint swelling and rashes associated with certain infectious diseases like chikungunya.

Nilavembu For 1. Dengue Fever – The plant has dominant antiviral properties and strong inhibitors against the dengue virus serotype 1 (DENV-1).

2. Chikungunya – It inhibits the Chikungunya virus from growing and replicating with its anti-CHIKV effects.

3. Malaria– The anti-parasitic action of the nilavembu leaves restricts the growth of the malarial parasite and also prevents its spread.

4. Influenza– The strong anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties of the bioactive constituent andrographolide helps to inhibit the replication of the influenza virus. It also decreases the activity of the inflammatory mediators that are responsible for the inflammation in the lungs.

Further, this medicine can relief you from liver problems and jaundice. It also helps to treat heart ailments and respiratory issues like bronchitis and asthma.

Moreover, the regular usage of this drink reduces the risk of ulcers. In addition, their antacid property prevents the formation of excessive stomach acids.

Therefore, resulting in the treatment of indigestion, ulcer, and gastritis. Thus, promoting better absorption of nutrients in the body. 

Similarly, this herb helps in the management of diabetes. The insulin production from the β-pancreatic cells becomes active, in consuming nilavembu on a regular basis. They also relieve pain and discomfort caused by rheumatoid arthritis.


7. How to make Nilavembu kudineer?

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The herbal mixture is made from natural herbs which also possess medicinal properties

  • Nilavembu (Green Chiretta),
  • Black Pepper,
  • White Sandalwood,
  • Dry Ginger,
  • Vetiver (Khus),
  • Snake Gourd,
  • Nut Grass,
  • Parpat and
  • Coleus Vettiveroides Root.

Method of making Nilavembu Kudineer

  • Boil one tablespoon of powder with 200 ml of water until the solution is reduced to 50 ml.
  • As per ancient Siddha textbooks, 4 gms of Nilavembu Kudineer has to be mixed in 400ml of water and boiled until it lowers to about 100 ml.
  • Since the taste of the kudineer is bitter, you can add honey or palm jaggery to it at your preference.
  • You can drink it twice daily before food, or as instructed by a Siddha doctor.



Above all, Please follow the dosages as directed by your physician. Normally, For Children 30 ml and for Adults 60 ml. Also, People who have the flu can drink it 2 times a day . Drink it until the fever stops.

You can control Diabetes by drinking 3 times a week. People who take pills for diabetes and hypothyroidism can also drink it after some time in order to attain their complete benefits.

Drinking it warm can contribute to relief as well as to cure colds, coughs, and sinuses.

Pregnant women can take this medicinal drink as much as their doctor recommends only after eating. Further, This can cause no miscarriage or harm to the baby.

Infertility does not occur. Moreover, This herbal drink has nothing to do with infertility.

On the other hand, consume the drink within 4 hours after preparation. Store it in a cool, dry place. Also avoid contact of direct sunlight.


Word Of Caution

Both Pregnant and lactating women can consume these herbal products and medicines under the proper guidance of a physician.

Donot feed this medicine to breast feeding babies. Also, self-medication without consultation can create side effects like diarrhea and vomiting.

For instance, in the severe stage of dengue, where patients suffer dehydration, this medicine can be deadly.


Buying guide

In order to make your life easy during these tight time prefer to buy essential food products online. Further, Standard Coldpressed oil company offers you naturally made products that are very healthy and beneficial.

Standard Cold pressed oil we sell on the other hand is nutritious and are made naturally. They are rich in vitamin E, C and has anti -inflammatory properties.

They boost our immune system and improves brain function. Fried foods made in cold pressed oil might have less impact compared to other refined oils.


Reference links

Originally posted 2020-07-12 17:51:26.

Bharathi I am a Medical Student with a passion for writing and a thirst for knowledge.
Bharathi I am a Medical Student with a passion for writing and a thirst for knowledge.

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