What is a Silent Heart Attack?
Did you know that it is possible for a person to have a heart attack without even knowing it? This is called a silent heart attack or silent myocardial infarction, which is said to be about 50% to 80% of other heart attacks.
When a heart attack is mild at first or without symptoms it is called ‘quiet’, which can be easily ignored or mistaken for other illnesses.
This may happen when heart doesn’t get enough oxygen. If a blockage forms in your arteries or other damage caused by high blood pressure, the blood flow may be partially or completely cut off, leading to a heart attack.
Is a quiet heart attack dangerous?
A silent heart attack may go unnoticed like a normal heart attack, but it can cause more damage than you can imagine, which is why it is important to pay attention to all the early signs of a heart attack and get the treatment you need.
Let’s see further what are the symptoms of a silent heart attack.
1. Chest pain and discomfort
You may have chest pain for a number of reasons. However, chest pain and discomfort may be a warning sign for a heart attack.
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), most heart attacks cause discomfort in the center or left side of the chest, which can last more than a few minutes or go away and return.
Health institutions describe this feeling as uncomfortable pressure, compression, fullness or pain.
2. Gastrointestinal problems including nausea and heartburn
Experts believe that gastrointestinal problems such as abdominal pain, indigestion, heartburn and nausea may be early signs of a heart attack.
Abdominal pain can arise in the middle of the upper abdomen and usually feels heavier than a sharp or stabbing. Such pain lasts for more than a few minutes.
3. Dizziness or mild headache
From high heat to pressure, strain on the eyes, neck or back, many factors can lead to dizziness or mild headaches.
However, dizziness can also be an early warning sign of a heart attack, especially for women.
This symptom may be accompanied by sweating, chest tightness, or shortness of breath, and some may experience dizziness or loss of consciousness. Seek immediate medical attention in this situation.
The pain spreads to other parts of the body, including the hands and jaw.
Warning signs of a heart attack can spread not only to certain parts of the body but throughout the body.
It usually starts from the chest and moves outward towards the arms and jaw. Other painful areas include the neck, back and abdomen.
What to do if you have these symptoms?
If you have any one or more symptoms of a heart attack, contact your nearest hospital for immediate medical attention.
If a person has a heart attack and has difficulty breathing, start cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to maintain or restore blood flow in the body.
According to myoglinic experts, CPR causes chest compressions (100 – 120 per minute)
Originally posted 2022-07-24 15:11:41.