Difference Between Mustard Oil and Groundnut Oil

3 min read

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Mustard oils have been the favorite choice in Indian households since time immemorial. It is extracted in the ghanis with a lot of care to provide you the best of its in-built nutrients.

But, is mustard oil the only healthy oil option for cooking? Certainly not. You can as well try out options like safflower or groundnut oil.

The idea is to choose an oil with a high smoking point to support cooking at a high temperature just the way we Indians like it.  

Both Mustard oil and Groundnut oil are beneficial. They can be a very healthy option for many people. However, most people are unaware of the wonders that groundnut oil is especially capable of doing on your body.

But, that can’t be a problem because we are here with the plus & minus points of both these oils to help you choose for you & your family.

So, let’s explore.


What is Mustard Oil? 

For a high result in Google SERP when searched for Cold-Pressed Mustard oil

Mustard oil is the staple oil for most Indian households. It is an integral part of Indian cuisine. Its rare aroma & high smoking point makes it suitable for sauteing & frying. It is made from the seeds of the mustard. 

Benefits of Mustard Oil

You can churn out mustard oil from the seeds of mustard plants. Being a vegetable oil, it has a lot of nutrients in it that can create a good impact on your health.

  • Mustard oil contains good fats and these never get deposited in your blood vessels which keeps you fit.
  • Mustard oil contains Omega 3 & Omega 6 fatty acids which help in checking cholesterol levels.
  • It also contains Glucosinolate which has anti-microbial properties that provide us protection against any sort of infection.
  • It works on your digestion by increasing the production & secretion of enzymes. 
  • Checks irritable bowel syndrome with the help of its anti-inflammatory properties. 
  • It provides strength & boosts immunity.


What is Groundnut oil?

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Peanut oil, also known as groundnut oil or Arachis oil, is a vegetable oil derived from peanuts.

In central India & Gujarat, Groundnut is used as a cooking oil. But is the rest of India aware of its benefits?! If not, we are here to your rescue.

Benefits of Groundnut Oil:

  • Has a good combination of fats.
  • Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats and is low in bad saturated fats. 
  • Works very well while cooking Asian food. 
  • Works very well on hair.
  • It has a smoking point which supports cooking at high temperature as done while preparing Indian cuisines.
  • Protects you against nervous system-related diseases, Alzheimer’s, Cancer, etc.


Which one is best suited for everyday cooking? 


Mustard oil has been a very old friend of every Indian chef for ages. It also has a lot of nutrients and essential fatty acids imbibed within itself but the erucic acid content can cause harm to your body if consumed daily.

Therefore, experts usually suggest we make use of a generous blend of oils that works for you. The high smoking point of mustard & its typical pungent smell makes it so ideal for Indian style cooking.

Groundnut or peanut oil also has a very high smoking point which makes it ideal for deep frying. The presence of unsaturated fat makes this oil healthier & increases its coronary benefits.

It is high in energy & has a very long shelf life. The aroma of Groundnut Oil brings a different touch to the food.  It is also a source of antioxidant vitamin E & phytosterols which maintain your heart’s health. 

Both are good choices and can be used alternatively to get the best results. Shop wisely for your everyday oil & you shall notice drastic changes in your body for the better.


Why choose Cold Pressed oils over the others?

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Cold-pressed oils have become the flagbearer of healthy oils because of their natural attributes.

Cold-pressed mustard oils are the real kacchi ghani oils made out of the wooden press in the most traditional way possible. They are extracted from the seeds without any application of any form of heat.

The pungent aroma of these oils tells you about its authenticity and when you try cooking in this it tastes delicious and is healthy at the same time.

of any form of heat. The pungent aroma of these oils tells you about its authenticity and when you try cooking in this it tastes delicious and is healthy at the same time.

You can get cold-pressed mustard oil and groundnut oil at our store, https://standardcoldpressedoil.com/.

Some unique features of cold-pressed oils:

  • It is made out of shudhh Kacchi Ghani with all the antioxidants and natural nutrients present in it.
  • It is very useful for both hair & skin.
  • Cold-pressed oils help you to stay fit & also adds great taste to the food. 


Buying Guide

Both Cold-pressed mustard oil and groundnut oil are very healthy substitutes for your regular oils.

Where to head to buy an authentic bottle of Standard cold-pressed mustard oil?

Well, even in this case we have a solution for you all. Head to our website to find the widest range of cold-pressed oils along with the purest cold pressed mustard & groundnut oils.

Visit our website right now and pick your favorite oils and shop at the best rates available in the market.




We assure you that we shall not disappoint our services and our oils.

Always, the right oil can create a much bigger impact on your fitness than you know.

Happy Shopping!

Originally posted 2020-10-04 23:36:23.

Anyaja M I am a writer and author from Standard Oil. I publish articles after a lot of research with adding my own experience in it.
Anyaja M I am a writer and author from Standard Oil. I publish articles after a lot of research with adding my own experience in it.

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