17 Jaw Dropping Benefits Of Aloe Vera- The Secret Of Cleopatra!

6 min read

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Hey! I’m here with a secret beauty tip of Cleopatra which is going to amaze you in the end! She was described by the Roman historian Cassius Dio as a woman of surpassing beauty and is still portrayed the Hollywood as a glamorous seductress. Now, if you are not patient enough to hear the history of Cleopatra, let me tell you the secret word, shh, that’s Aloe vera! And I am going to let you know about amazing benefits of aloe vera!

Yeah, how does she use that? Ancient writings dated back to 1550 BC Cleopatra applied the aloe vera gel all over her body as part of a beauty regimen. Understanding the benefits of aloe vera , Egyptians call these aloe plant as “plant of immortality!”

Sources mentioned that Aristotle persuaded Alexander the Great to capture the island of Socotra in the Indian Ocean to gets its rich supply of aloe to heal his wounded soldiers.

Since he fights over the other country to gain the benefits of aloe vera, why shouldn’t we take a few minutes to know their nutritional boons?

But before that, let me tell short what are you going to know through the reading time!

  • Nutritional Value Of Aloe Vera
  • Benefits Of Aloe vera For The Skin
  • Aloe vera Benefits For The Hair
  • Aloe vera benefits For Weight Loss
  • Other Health Benefits Of Aloe Vera
  • Side Effects Due To Over consumption

Let’s dive straight into the Topic


1. More Than 200 Nutrients!

Oh my goodness! The inner gel of Aloe vera contains an impressive list of vitamins like vitamin C, beta carotene, vitamin B12, folic acid and antioxidants. 1 cup of aloe vera juice contains 9.1 grams of vitamin C.

It also loaded with minerals like magnesium copper-zinc calcium chromium Sodium potassium iron and manganese, selenium.

This also contains 19 out of 20 amino acids which blow our mind! This includes 8 essential amino acids that cannot be manufactured by the body and need to consumed by food.

It also contains a number of enzymes amylase, lipase and liaises which is beneficial to break down sugars and fat. 


Aloe Vera Benefits For Skin

Aloe vera is a cactus-like a plant known for its healing and medicinal properties!” says Joel Schlessinger MD, Omaha based board-certified dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon. It penetrates into all the three layers and does wonders!

1. It Helps To Fade Dark Spots And Acne Scars

Even your acne gets faded, the scars can stay in your face for years! But this effective treatment of aloe vera gel helps to help to boosts the production of collagen and reduce the scarring.


2. Aloe Vera For Dry skin

Aloe vera extracts is a commonly used ingredient in lots of skincare products like soaps and moisturizers. But some sources say that it works best when used as a primary ingredient.

Aloe vera plant contains a high number of mucopolysaccharides and a type of molecule linked with hydrating properties. It contains 99% of water which treats dry skin. Aloe vera gel can be used as an aftershave treatment as well.


3. How Aloe Vera Treats Acne?

A facemask with lemon juice and aloe vera at 1:8 ratio cleans your pores and kills some of the bacteria which causes acne. It will give your face a refreshed look. Some sources have mentioned that fruit acid like lemon juice is very effective to treat acne.


4. Aloe Vera Helps To Lighten Skin Pigmentation

Some of the limited studies have shown that aloe vera has skin lightening properties. The chemicals are Alison and Aloesin.

They reduce hyperpigmentation by destroying the existence of melanin cells. In a cell study, a scientist has found that Aloesin helps to reduce melanin production in a laboratory-produced human skin.


5. Fights Skin Aging

Aloe vera gel has Vitamin C, E and beta carotene in abundance. It has wonderful anti-ageing properties. It reduces skin blemishes and diminishes age lines.

Aloe vera stimulates fibroblast which reduces collagen and elastin fibres which increase skin elasticity and fewer wrinkles. Zinc present in aloe also accesses astringent to close the pores. To know more about acne, click here!


Aloe Vera for Hair

6. Aloe vera Reduces Dandruff

The aloe vera gel contains anti-inflammatory properties which reduce dandruff.

The journal of dermatological treatment in 1999 states that applying aloe vera gel topically is helpful but not curative.

This significantly reduces itching and rough scalp and seborrhoeic dermatitis called dandruff.


7. Deeps Clean The Oily Hair

Aloe vera is a very gentle treatment for your scalp which prevents the integrity of the hair. It cleans the hair follicles and reduces the extra sebum produced in your scalp which causes oily hair.

The Brazilian journal of microbiology states that the skin absorbs aloe vera up to four times faster than water. It helps to keep the pores of the skin open and receive all the nutrients and moisture present in the aloe plant.


8. Strengthens Hair

The abundance of vitamins A, C and E along with Vitamin B12 and folic acid helps to strengthen the hair strands. All these vitamins help to promote healthy cell growth and that prevent the hair from falling out due to vitamin deficiencies.


9. How to Make An Aloe Vera Mask For Your Head!

Applying aloe vera topical on your hair is not easy when you apply it on your face. The thing gets even harder when you have long hair and don’t know how to deal with a gel like substance.

So here’s a step by step aloe vera mask for your hair to make it easier!

  1. You will need only 2 ingredients. 2 tbsp (increase the amount if you have longer hair) of aloe vera gel and 1 tbsp of coconut oil. ( It’s better when you have virgin coconut oil).
  2. Stir the oil and aloe vera gel together to form a smooth paste. You can also use food blender to grind them.
  3. Detangle your hair if it is too frizzy.
  4. Protect your clothing with a towel or old shirt.
  5. Divide your hair into parts. Apply the gel starting from the middle to ends. ( If you want to remove split ends and frizziness).
  6. Apply the gel directly on your scalp than.
  7. If you want to reduce dandruff apply the gel directly on your scalp and the rest on your mid-shaft to ends. Got it?
  8. Make sure you have detangled your hair in the beginning. Use a wide-toothed comb to spread the paste evenly to your hair.
  9. Use a shower cap to wrap your hair in a bun. You can also use a towel to have an extra moisturizing effect on your hair so that it prevents dripping and drying out.
  10. Rinse it after 30 minutes to 1 hour. The more you leave it, the more moisturizing it will be.
  11. Rinse your hair thoroughly. It’s not recommended to use shampoo in your hair after this mask. Use shampoo the next day unless you needed.

This mask boosts your hair health! Try to replace this with your normal hair conditioner once a week.


10. Aloe Vera For Weight Loss

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Tip For Weight Loss

The National Library Of Medicine states that aloe vera could boost metabolism.

In a rat study, the results suggest that intake of aloe vera gel reduce body fat accumulation by stimulation of energy expenditure i.e, increases the number of calories burnt. This reduces the chance to develop diet-induced obesity.

Additionally, the Journal Of Traditional And Complementary Medicine concluded that aloe vera intake affects the metabolism of sugar and fat and reduces the accumulation of belly fat.

11. How To Use Aloe Vera For Weight Loss?

  • Extract the aloe vera leaves and wash them nicely. Remove the upper skin of aloe vera and use a spoon to extract the gel. Keep the juice in the airtight bottle and store it in a refrigerator.
  • Drink this juice of 1 tbsp of aloe vera, 20 minutes before your meals daily to lose weight quickly.  Additionally, millets support weight loss!


You are with me? Great, then.

Other Health Benefits Of Aloe Vera

12. Contain Antioxidant And Antibacterial Properties

Aloe vera has powerful antioxidants called polyphenols. The polyphenols have the ability to inhibit the growth of certain bacteria that causes infections in humans.


13. Heals Burns

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Heals Burns

As I have said earlier, Alexander the Great have used the aloe vera extracts to health the wounds of his soldiers! when you got a sunburn, aloe vera is excellent therapy. aloe vera was first approved by the food and drug administration in 1959 as the medication to heal burns.

In a study which includes more than 370 participants, researchers have found that aloe vera took 8.79 fever days to heal a burn.

Note: This is online for minor degree burns. Check out with your doctor if you have a higher degree!


14. Laxative Effects

Are you having difficulty to pass stools? Aloe vera has latex along with anthraquinones which help to treat constipation .

Drink aloe vera juice daily morning to get effective results. Aloe vera juice helps to regulate bowel movements and flush out toxins from your body.


15. Reduces Dental Plaque

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Reduces Dental Plaque

In a study which involves more than 300 participants, researchers compared the benefits of 100% aloe vera juice with chlorhexidine mouthwash. They concluded that aloe vera was equally effective as chlorhexidine mouthwash to treat plaque.


16. Treat Mouth Ulcers

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Treat Mouth Ulcers

Oh my! Canker sores are more annoying than having a fever. It gets more worst when you can’t eat your favourite food when you are mouth craving. Recent studies have mentioned that everyone has healing properties to cure mouth ulcers. 

Apply Aloe Vera gel to the affected area two to three times a day to get effective results.


17. Aloe Vera For A Deep Sleep

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Deep Sleep

Disturbed Sleep? Keep an aloe vera plant in your room for a sound sleep.

Unlike all other plants which give oxygen during the day, aloe vera gives oxygen at night!

It improves the quality of the air.
When you sleep with an aloe vera in your room, it will keep you more relaxed.

It doesn’t require much water and sunlight like all other plants. Just water it at once in a day daily! It also makes your room beautiful and enhances your mood.


Side Effects Of Aloe Vera Plant

Not Recommended During Pregnancy And Breastfeeding-  Aloe vera have irritant qualities which may stimulate uterine contractions and lead to birth complications.

May Lower Potassium- Aloe vera juice can you lower the potassium content in the body which may cause an irregular heartbeat. This juice is not recommended for people with heart diseases.

May Cause Dehydration – Over consumption of aloe vera juice can cause dehydration because of its laxative effects.  So, it’s better to drink it mindfully.

Promotes Facial Hair – As it has hair promoting properties, it can promote facial hair too. So, apply it mindfully.

Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels – aloe vera juice can cause blood sugar levels to drop and cause hypoglycemia in diabetics. So, it’s not recommended for diabetic patients.


Last word

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Nature gives with one hand and takes with another in the case of aloe vera. Although it has disadvantages, it also holds huge wonders for the skin, hair and weight-loss which is proved by researchers!

No wonder Cleopatra and Alexander the Great had given much importance to this potted plant and native Americans called it the “wand of heaven!”


Reference Links:


Originally posted 2020-06-15 23:11:56.

Elakeya I am a young Physician Associate by career but always love to write! I expertise in medical writing, nutrition, cooking, and even travel and food.
Elakeya I am a young Physician Associate by career but always love to write! I expertise in medical writing, nutrition, cooking, and even travel and food.

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