Queen Of Indian Traditional Medicine- Neem oil’s Jaw Dropping Tips!

2 min read

Planting a neem tree is like planting a medicinal cabinet! Neem oil is made from the fruits and seeds of arachadicta indica, an evergreen tree in the mahagony family. They can be also found in tropical areas.

This is a native in Indian subcontinent and has been used in many medicinal uses since ancient times. Neem oil is best known for the antibacterial and antifungal properties. Neem is a product which has been popularly used in toothpaste, facewashes, soaps and shampoos. It has very good regenerative properties which promotes healing.

Neem is always present as a first aid kit for all medicinal uses and and to treat every disease and trauma. This is having antibacterial affects and it is also used to treat fungal infections.

It also contains antiparasitic, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties and boosts our immune system.


Nutritional Properties Of Neem Oil

The main constituents of neem oil are oleic acid, linoleic acid, vitamin C, carotenoids, palmitic acid.


1. Neem Oil For The Skin

Neem offers a soft and supple,radiant maintains an even tone of the body. It treats eczema, burns, rashes, psoriasis and serious infections etc.

It also fighter against fungal infections like dandruff. It acts as a protective agent against skin damage caused by UV rays. It has anti aging properties as well and boost immunity! It maintains stronger,healthier hair and it is good for split ends also.


2. Promotes Healing

Neem has anti inflammatory properties and promotes healing. Omega 6 linoleic acids present in neem plays an important role for healing. The researchers found out that the compounds present in neem oil promote blood vessels and connective tissue growth which promotes in healing.


3. Treats Ulcers

Some researchers have found out that eating neem bark extract of 30 to 60 mg daily will cure ulcers and treat gastritis.


4. Excellent Moisturizer

Do you believe that Neem seed oil work as a moisturizer as well? The components present in Neem oil will lead to a well toned skin and this is why Neem oil is used main ingredient for many moisturizers.It has anti-aging properties and removes wrinkles when applied on a weekly basis.


5. Maintains Normal Bladder Habits

Neem oil is used to treat urinary disorders and intestinal worms present in the stomach which cause difficulty in passing stools.


6. Religious Beliefs

Neem oil is used to lamp lights in temples and it is believed that it is used to improve the financial status and one’s health.


7. Used As An Insecticide

Azadirachtin can act as a feeding agent for a number of insects such as beetles. Oil present in neem forms a coating around the insect body and make it to suffocate and makes it die. It has a good repellent effect.


8. Removes Dental Plague

Neem has a special place to remove dental plaque in India. Before toothbrush was found out,the tender twig of the neem tree was used to brush. It has amazing antibacterial activities says the nutritionist, Dr.Rupali dutta.

It is used to fight against bacteria and maintain the alkaline levels of saliva, give you whiter teeth and treat swollen gums. According to a study published in pharmacognosy review, Neem Oil reduces the invasion of streptococci to colonize tooth surfaces. Oil pulling is also done with neem oil.

Oil pulling is a traditional remedy done in ancient India. Ayurvedha hypothesized that oral health is the mirror of general health of the body. The mouth offers a sanctuary to a number of bacteria,viruses and fungi. Oil acts as a cleanser by hunting these before they spread.

How does oil pulling work? It frees up the immune system to reduce inflammation and stress. This boosts energy, reduces acne, allergy and even headaches and the best part is it’s help to reduce weight! How is that done?

1.Gargle one spoon of neem oil in the morning before brushing your teeth. Gargle it to and fro in between your teeth for 10-15 mins. To consume time,do it while showering.

2.Then, gargle your mouth with warm salt water to remove the toxic debris.

Do it daily to have a camera worthy smile! The constituents like nimbin,nimbidine,nimbolide,gallic acid plays an important role to remove the dental plaque.


9. Wide Role In Traditional Medicine

Schools in India are even practicing children to drink vepampoo charu(neem rasam) as it prevents dengue,swine flu and influenza!

The flavour is bitter and not everyone enjoys the taste but It will definitely appreciate one ‘s health.


Contraindications Of Neem Oil

Neem oil and neem bark are unsafe for pregnancy and breastfeeding. Some people maybe allergic to neem and develop symptoms like vomiting,loss of consciousness etc.

All parts of neem and not just the leaves serves the world by giving medicines, exchanging oxygen to the polluted atmosphere,pesticide and eatable as well!


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Originally posted 2020-01-08 23:09:35.

Elakeya I am a young Physician Associate by career but always love to write! I expertise in medical writing, nutrition, cooking, and even travel and food.
Elakeya I am a young Physician Associate by career but always love to write! I expertise in medical writing, nutrition, cooking, and even travel and food.

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