Social Distancing In Standard Cold Pressed Oil

1 min read

As the World continues to fight against the COVID-19, it is important our employees understand how to implement social distancing at work place.

Working at Standard Cold Pressed Oil Office:

  • We have requested our employees and workers to come with face mask and wearing gloves to office.
  • During production of cold pressed oils or any other products our workers are using gloves and washing their hands after every 1 Hr.
  • Meeting room and room tables are 2m apart from each other and we have also advised them to keep an empty chair in between them.
  • In working areas, we have limited the number of seats. Organize seats in such a manner so there are at least 6-feet between the seats.
  • We have requested our employees to use phones, videos, or video conferencing to reduce the need for meetings and other close personal contact.
  • Office phone is cleaned after another person wants to use it.
  • While we provide food for workers at our campus, due to covid-19 the canteen and food has been stopped and we have requested workers to bring their own food.
  • We are requesting our workers to maintain the social distance during lunch and tea breaks.
  • Cleaning in common areas, desks are frequent in our office.
  • Keep in mind social distancing also applies in other areas such as vehicles, carts, and non-traditional work settings.
Social Distance In Our Office

How We Are Packing After Covid-19:

  • While shipping or packing of products our workers are using gloves to do it.
  • We have requested all employees to maintain 6 feet of social distance during that period.
  • While shipment is ready, courier peoples allowed to pick parcel after proper hand wash at godown and we have informed to all our courier partners and delivery boys to do so.
  • We strongly recommend our consumers to collect the parcel with hand glove from any delivery boy and stay safe at home.
delivery boy
Maintaining Proper Delivery

Originally posted 2020-04-18 18:46:48.

Kaaveri I speak the language that people love me for my advice on health tips. My grandma gave me more healthy tips from my childhood. It creates a habit in me to share with everyone.
Kaaveri I speak the language that people love me for my advice on health tips. My grandma gave me more healthy tips from my childhood. It creates a habit in me to share with everyone.

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