Karunjeeragam Oil- Its Mindblowing Benefits And Uses

5 min read

black cumin seeds wooden spoon with canvas wooden table healthy vegetarian organic food concept close up 179369 437

Ugh.. that bitterness in my mouth. Oops, I am sorry, let me explain from the beginning.

Every day, early in the morning my father force-feed me one spoon (5ml ) of karunjeeragam oil in an empty stomach.

Yeah, I know!! but I kinda made it a routine for the past 3 months. You ask me why? Okay, Here it goes, you guys are very familiar with the covid19 right.

So, In order to develop immunity and increase my body’s self defense system, I am adding few oil drops for better functioning.

Why morning? Coz at that time our body’s absorption will be at its peak. Now Buckle up coz here I’m gonna explain some wonderful benefits of karunjeeragam oil:)


1. Karunjeeragam Oil

Cumin seeds

This Oil is cold-pressed from the black cumin (Nigella sativa) seeds of the Fennel Flower. Karunjeeragam oil is called in various names like

  • Black Oil
  • Baraka
  • Fitch Oil
  • Kalajira Oil
  • Kalonji Oil
  • Love in a Mist, et al.

The oil is more than 3000 years old, which has been used by our ancestors for cosmetic, medicinal, and culinary applications.

In Indian and Middle Eastern cooking, these karunjeeragam seeds are used for flavoring, as a spice.


2. History Of Black Seed Oil

The white-tinged flowers are found in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and western Asia.

Archaeologists even found the black seeds in the tomb of the great King Tut. These findings emphasize their importance in the history of usage, for healing and protection.

Research and historical sources reveal that Black Cumin Seed Oil was first used by the Assyrians of ancient Egypt. It was used by well-known royal figures, like Cleopatra and Nefertiti.

They utilized this oil in skincare, beautifying baths, and therapeutic applications.

The Greek physicians like Hippocrates prescribed this oil for toothaches, headaches, nasal congestion, and intestinal worms. It can also cure general ailments and feebleness.

The famous book called  ‘The Book of Healing’ written by Ibn Sina, has a major portion describing the wonderful benefits of Black cumin seed.

Black cumin also called as Nigella seeds belong to a buttercup family of flowering plants. In fact, it has been traced back for several centuries as a natural remedy for bronchitis and even diarrhoea.

Black cumin seeds nutritionally rich and provide a high range of fat especially Monounsaturated fat, protein and dietery fibre. It contains vitamins like B and E and iron content. Initially was originated from Egypt and called habbatusauda.

Speaking of black cumin seed, check out the Remarkable Benefits of Karunjeeragam.


3. Ayurvedic Treatment With Karunjeeragam Oil

In Ayurveda, Black Cumin Seed Oil is widely used in a lot of applications. It is primarily used for its stimulating, warming, and tonic properties and for its uplifting effect on the mood.

Traditionally, it is used to deal with health conditions such as

  • anorexia
  • sexually-transmitted diseases
  • asthma
  • diabetes
  • hypertension
  • weight loss
  • some gynecological ailments.

Above all, This oil is very beneficial for stimulating the appetite and metabolism. It can lessen neurological disorders, positively enhancing negative temperaments, and promoting unity within your body and mind.


4. What Are The Constituents Of Karunjeeragam Oil?

This oil is rich in palmitic Acid, Stearic Acid, Oleic Acid, and Linoleic Acid.

  • Palmitic acids in the oil can soften as well smoothens your hair without any greasy residue in the hair. It is a saturated fatty acid.
  • Stearic acid is a wonderful emulsifier that binds water and oil. They have cleansing properties and prevents hair damages. It makes our skin soft and shiny.
  • Oleic acids( omega -9 fatty acids) contributes to the radiance of skin (Anti-aging)and hair. They boost your immunity with its rich antioxidants.
  • Linolenic acid (omega-6 fatty acids) moisturizes and promotes hair growth. It helps in soothing acne and exhibits anti-inflammatory properties


5. What Are The Health Benefits Of Karunjeeragam Oil?

1. Skin Health

The topical use of Black Cumin Seed Oil can effectively deal with fungal infections, yeast, and mold with its anti-fungal properties.

Its softening quality makes it effective even for the most sensitive skin. Its regenerative properties are known to lessen the chance of scar development from wounds.

This oil has a natural wound healing quality. Some study mentions that Black seed oil may to reduce the severity of eczema and also may have antipsoriatic properties.


2. Boost Immunity

This oil has both antiseptic and antibacterial agent that eliminates deadly topical bacteria while preventing their future growth.

Moreover, this contributes to a strong immune response. It can also help in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, by preventing joint inflammation, stiffness, and pain.


3. Asthma And Bronchitis

Its anti-inflammatory property can help decrease asthma symptoms. Also, this oil may also reduce airway inflammation in the case of bronchitis.


4. Cancer

A recent study found that this oil may influence programmed cell death in several types of cancer such as brain cancer, leukemia, and breast cancer.

Did you know that black cumin seeds, itself have anticancerous properties?

However, Some study suggests that black cumin oil are effective against cancer in the blood system, lung, kidney, liver, prostate, breast, cervix, skin etc.

We must avoid eating cancer causing food, since it may hugely influence changes in body.


5. Diabetes

In addition, this oil has antidiabetic properties and can help improve blood sugar levels. It also helps you to maintain healthier cholesterol levels. As a result, it can reduce the risk of obesity and heart problems.


6. Infertility

The karunjeeragam oil can also improve sperm movement and increase sperm count and semen volume in men. Meanwhile, It helps to improve the health of the uterus and to reduce cramps.


7. Gastrointestinal System

This oil enhances digestion and lessens discomforts such as stomach pain, bloating, and gas. Also, it lowers gastrointestinal disorder.


6. What Are The Uses Of Karunjeeragam Oil?

  • This oil when applied topically or cosmetically can improve skin health.
  • Also, Using this oil for hair can prevent damage, dandruff, and itching scalp.
  • Similarly, Applying this oil on the pain area may ease joint pain, muscle aches, and symptoms of rheumatism.
  • Likewise, Consuming it can strengthen your immunity and reduce stiffness. It decreases digestive complaints, promotes the expulsion of bodily toxins, and regulates monthly menses as well as related complaints.
  • It relieves neck and chest pain.
  • Also, steam inhalation of the oil, can clear the respiratory tract, and soothe irritation. 


7. What Are The Possible Side Effects?

Pregnant women are advised not to use Black Cumin Seed Carrier Oil without medical advice. It is instructed not to consume this oil for 2 weeks if you are going to undergo surgery.

Consuming large quantities of Black seed oil may slow down the blood clotting process. It can also intensify the risk of bleeding.

Above all, If you have a bleeding disorder or under medication, then you are proposed not to take black seed oil.

On the other hand, taking this oil with other medications can interfere with normal liver function. In that case, to prevent side effects always consult your physicians before using this oil.

Prior to using this oil topically on the skin, always remember to test a smaller part of your skin. As a result, some may experience dermatitis, irritation,and itching in contact with this oil.

Likewise on consuming this , some may feel uncomfortable, drowsiness, and fatigue. In case of an allergic reaction, do not use this oil.


Bottom Line Message

On personal experience, I prefer the usage black seed oil. Though they have some side effects and are advised to avoid during certain situations, they serve some benefits in their own way. They are well known ancient ayurvedic medicine that serves to cure certain ailments in its unique ways.

Not only they serve in body health but also contributes to both skin and hair health. They provide energy and boost our complete system including immunity. This oil is diabetic friendly and enhance digestion.

Overall they are highly beneficial and recommended. But it is also recommended to be cautious regarding the description mentioned above about possible side effects.

Note: This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Further it should not be used by anyone who is pregnant or under the care of a medical practitioner.


Buying Guide

Buy the quality karunjeeragam seeds from Standard Coldpressed oil. Here we sell pure high quality products at cheap prices.

Further, To choose the suitable cold pressed oils, take a look at our standard brand. It gives you outstanding results in a completely safe and natural way. For these reasons, Buy oils from this authentic store.

Check it out. Standard Coldpressed Oil are here for you to deliver 100% quality Coldpressed Oils at your doorstep.

Reference links

Originally posted 2020-06-11 19:13:10.

Bharathi I am a Medical Student with a passion for writing and a thirst for knowledge.
Bharathi I am a Medical Student with a passion for writing and a thirst for knowledge.

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