There are many benefits when you eat javvarisi. Javvarisi is especially high in fiber. So you can get nutritious food by mixing jaggery with vegetables or high fiber foods. Let’s dive straight into the benefits of javvarisi.
Health Benefits Of Javvarisi
- Javvarisi contains potassium. It helps keep the blood circulation healthy. Controls blood flow.
- Having a healthy blood flow in the body reduces the stress on the heart. Javvarisi is rich in carbohydrates. These provide the energy your body needs. This is why javvarisi is recommended during periods of fasting.
- If you want to gain weight in a healthy way you can benefit by adding jaggery in your diet. This is because it is a high carbohydrate food.
- Javvarisi contains calcium, magnesium and iron.
- They help to increase bone density. Thus strengthening the bone. This prevents bone related problems such as joint pain and osteoporosis.
Word Of Caution
However, it is not suitable for diabetics because it is high in sugar. It can increase blood sugar levels in diabetics as jaggery is high in carbohydrates. So it is better for diabetics to avoid jaggery.
Originally posted 2020-11-07 10:39:00.