Infertility is the state of being unable to conceive after trying for a year after getting married. Anorexia is a condition in which a person does not allow himself to eat the right amount of food. Symptoms include severe reduction in calorie intake or abnormal weight loss.
Bulimia is a condition in which there is an excessive search for food due to depression and the state of managing an irregular diet for their food search.
Some women face other physical and mental health challenges even in the absence of eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia.
How Eating Disorders Affect Fertility?
These types of eating disorders can interfere with normal reproduction. Malnutrition, heavy exercises, and chronic stress are unavoidable factors in all forms of infertility.
The Reproductive hormones in our body are directly affect by the above factors. Additionally, many women with eating disorders have problems such as irregular menstruation, untimely menstruation, or complete absence of menstruation.
Health Problems Associated with Eating Disorders
Menstrual problems and other problems besides infertility are also associated with eating disorders.
In this disorder include low egg count, variability in ovulation cycle due to irregular reproductive hormone, and low sexual desire.
What is the Role of Food in Fertility?
Low calorie intake, low intake of important micronutrients especially low intake of fat, protein and carbohydrates, excessive exercise, intense food search etc. can cause some side effects.
A woman should eat a variety of foods that provide adequate calories in her diet and it is very important to choose a balanced diet.
These includes a balance of essential nutrients, protein synthesis, and a combination of fat and carbohydrates. Fat is an important role in the diet. The reason of these synthesize reproductive hormones.
Other Factors Associated With Eating Disorders
Exercise is another major cause of this disorder. More exercise interferes with reproductive health and increases the risk of infertility.
Intense exercise affects the balanced menstrual cycle. More exercise and low food intake will try to paralyze the body organs that are not necessary for survival. This makes it impossible to meet the needs of other important elements. This includes the reproductive organ.
Proper BMI is important for proper body weight fertility and improved chances of conceiving naturally. So maintain weight that is according to your height.
Chronic stress is caused by the release of hormones that interfere with regular menstruation and ovulation, such as chronic stress caused by emotional or environmental factors.
Lack of nutrition, excessive exercise, insufficient sleep, trouble in relationships, heavy workload and more are some of the reasons. Although stress is inevitable, everyone needs to learn how to manage it easily. Thus improving self-care.
The good news is that women can recover from anorexia nervosa. They rejuvenate body, regain weight and have regular menstrual cycle.
If a woman with anorexia begins to have a regular menstrual cycle, her chances of getting pregnant will increase.
Do not be discouraged if you have the above vulnerabilities. Try to get out of risk way as much as you can. Seek medical advice for this or seek proper guidance. It is possible to fight the anorexia and increase the chance of infertility.
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Originally posted 2020-12-05 20:24:55.