With the onset of winter, people suffer from colds, iron ills, colds and flu. Many people also complain of eczema, dry skin, hair loss and arthritis in winter. All of this happens due to the increase in the amount of cold air and air pollution.
It weakens our immune system and increases our chances of getting sick. An easy way to maintain good health is to change your diet according to the season.
Your summer diet should include plenty of refrigerated foods, while winter should be about warming or heat-generating foods.
Healthy winter foods help keep the body warm, boost the immune system and prevent all kinds of skin and health related problems. In this article you will find some important foods that should be a part of your winter diet. Here are some immunity booster.
1. Ghee
It is a misconception that ghee adds fat to your body. Pure ghee from cow’s milk creates instant heat and energy in the body, which will keep you warm in winter season.
Ghee is totally a healthy fat that is packed with the benefits of vitamin A, K, E, omega-3 and omega 9 essential fatty acids. Adding a teaspoon of ghee to your diet in winter can help keep your skin and hair healthy
2. Gooseberry Amla
It is also known as Indian Gooseberry, is rich in Vitamin C. Small citrus fruits are high in vitamin C in all fruits and vegetables. This little green amla winter fruit helps cleanse the colon.
Removes excess toxins from the body. Effective for dandruff and other skin care problems. Eating an acid on an empty stomach in the morning in winter can help you travel easily through severe weather.
3. Peanut Candy
Peanut candy is a special treat for winter. A perfect snack that not only protects you from getting sick, but also controls your craving for sweets. Peanuts, sesame and jaggery snack all combine make winter sweet.
They keep you healthy and provide you with immune-boosting nutrients like zinc, iron and magnesium. Avoid purchasing peanut candy from the market and make it at home instead.
4. Panjeri Laddu Boost Your Immunity
Another warming winter food immunity booster, panjeri that prevents colds and flu. Panjeri makes from ghee, wheat flour, nuts and seeds can generate heat in the body and prevent colds. You can eat lobster made with ghee and nutrients.
5. Whole Grains
Make your diet more healthy by adding whole grains like corn, bajra, pearl millet. Whole grains rich in starch, fiber and protein.
These are good for the skin, promote weight loss, satisfaction and increase the amount of good fats in the body. The rocky porridge is another best winter breakfast option.
6. Combination to try in the Winter
The combination of basil tea and honey and garlic can help combat the cold weather of winter. Tea made with spices chai and carom seeds, fennel seeds and cumin seeds made from ginger and other spices can be very beneficial for winter season health.
7. Yellow Root and Green Garlic
Yellow root and green garlic are usually available in winter. You need to add them in your diet to stay more healthy. Add a little salt and ghee and turmeric powder and add it to your diet. Add garlic to your heart health and immunity. It acts as immunity booster.
Winter season food is not complete without mentioning the win. Commonly called Qur’an in Urdu, vellam causes heat in the body. It may helps to dilate blood vessels and generates heat in the body. Also, it cleanses your lungs.
So, you should replace the refined sugar with whey. For reducing temperature add jaggery, ajwain and ginger juice to the diet when suffering from fever.
Gooseberry (Amla) & Basil Benefits
7 Unbelievable Benefits Of Honey
Originally posted 2020-12-05 15:59:30.