What sight could be more divine than a mother taking care of her child? What better icon could one find for love and more love?
Pregnancy is surely a blessing for you, starting another wonderful chapter in your life, having that tiny dot in your tummy which grows up to your baby, the baby which you can take care of in reality not like the funny childhood days you used to bath your barbie using shampoo and dress up her with ballerina dress to put her to sleep in her castle!
The baby which grows up to play hide and seek with you, the smile where which you are going to forget all the sorrows and feel that being a mother is the wonderful gift you have got!
Even though you have so many joyful thoughts running in your head, you will always feel nervous about your body! The 9 months will usually be a long period for you, not only you but each and every women on the Earth! It’s normal to have fear of childbirth. Nearly 80 percent of women express worries and fears related to labour.
Relax! Get the facts! Take care of yourself! Talk with someone!
It is always better to understand about the physiology of pregnancy your body is undergoing through the 9 month period to make yourself relieved and strong enough to face the upcoming months!
Let’s go straight to what we are going to talk about!
All the pregnancies first begin with your missed menstruation and urine pregnancy test.
The signs and symptoms vary in different periods and may be classified under 3 trimesters- first, second and third.
1. Amenorrhea ( Missed Menstruation)
In a normally menstruating healthy women exposed to the risk of pregnancy, amenorrhoea is highly suggestive of pregnancy. This can be also caused by severe illness, anovulation and emotional disturbances.
2. What Is A Urine Pregnancy Test (UPT)?
A pregnant women placenta produces hCG,also called as placenta hormone, If you are pregnant, the UPT test will usually detect this hormone in your urine about 10 days after your first missed period.
First Trimester (1-12 weeks)
1. Morning Sickness
In the early weeks, nausea and vomiting ( Morning Sickness) are common. Morning sickness generally starts from 4-6 weeks of pregnancy and may continue tell about week 16. Usually, it is present in the early hours of the morning and reduces as the day progresses. It may be due to the high levels of hCG. Increase salivation will also be present.
The discomfort can be minimised by eating small meals at frequent intervals and by avoiding foods that precipitate the symptoms.
Vomiting can be also severe enough to cause weight loss, dehydration, acidosis and hypokalemia. This condition is termed as hyperemesis gravidarum.
2. Irritability Of The Bladder
Frequency of urination is a common complaint and due to the pressure exerted on the bladder by the growing uterus. As the uterus increases in size and becomes an abdominal organ, the pressure is relieved and the symptom gradually disappears.
3. Fatique
Easy fatigability is very frequent.
4. Changes In The Breasts
Changes in the breast are marked particularly for mother who give birth to babies for the first time. There will be general enlargement with prominence of veins and increased pigmentation with prominent nipples.The presence of little fluid in the breast can usually be detected from week 12 onwards. The fluid is clear and contain colostrum corpuscles.
5. Uterine changes
The uterus is the most important organ to undergo remarkable changes during pregnancy during the first 8 to 10 weeks of gestation the organ gradually become rounded or globular. By the twelvth week, it gradually grow upwards towards the abdomen.
Second Trimester (13 to 26 weeks)
Signs and symptoms which were present in the early period of pregnancy gradually disappear and other signs become apparent.
Morning sickness, increased salivation, and frequency of micturition generally disappear by the time.
1. Fetal Movement
Any important symptom that may be felt during the second trimester is quickening. The symptoms become more active and sometimes maybe painful. They may be noticed after the 16th or 18th week of pregnancy.
2. Changes In The Skin
Pigmentation is one of the characteristic changes that takes place in pregnancy.This is more marked on the forehead and cheeks in the form of dark brown patches. You can also notice stretch marks in the stomach and thighs.
3. Dizziness
They are very likely to develop due to lower blood pressure in your body.
Third Trimester (27 th Week To The End Of Pregnancy)
During this period of pregnancy the fetal movements are more easily felt, the fetal parts are easily palpable.
1. Shortness Of Breath
As the uterus grows larger higher in your abdomen and presses on your diaphragm, it may lead to breathing difficulty. The best way to handle it is take it easy, move more slowly, and sit up straight so that your lungs have more room to expand.
2. Frequent Urination
As you are reaching the final stage of pregnancy, you may noticed that you have increased frequency of urination. This is because your baby moves further down into your pelvis and may press your bladder too. However,it you feel a involuntary gush of watery fluid coming out,contact your healthcare doctor immediately. This may be a sign that your labour is beginning.
3. Swollen Feet And Ankles
Many moms have noticed the swelling of hands and feet in their body. This is because of extra fluid retention and hormonal changes.
Your body is working hard to support your growing baby! As you bring a new life inside your body, you will be faced with plenty of things. You start to understand life when the life grows within you and in the end it will be all worth it when you open your eyes to see the eyes and touch the tiny pinky fingers and toes of your baby!
Reference Links:
- https://www.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/second-trimester#body-changes
- https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/
- Mudhaliyar and Menon’s Clinical Obstetrics
Originally posted 2020-05-01 14:32:20.